Just a few ramblings about what's been going on over the last few days and what's coming up soon!
Well, the final copy of my senior thesis is due Monday. Then it goes into my university's archives forever. Actually, I'm imagining something like that last scene in Raiders of the Lost Ark. But still, it's a scary thought! From what I understand, future students and faculty will be able to access it. For what reason, I don't know. But they might! So today I've been working heavily on revisions and I intend to still be working late tonight. And probably tomorrow. I can be a bit of a perfectionist so if I have until Monday afternoon to submit this, then I will still be proofreading Monday morning! And if you read my earlier posts, you know that I've really been enjoying this project (most of the time). So I'm a bit sad to be finishing and don't feel ready to part with it. Regardless, I have a bottle of champagne ready to be opened Monday evening! I also fill out my exit forms for the department that afternoon. So it's a big day graduation-wise!
And graduation itself is approaching quickly. The ceremony is two weeks from tonight, actually. Some complications have arisen which I'd rather not get into right now, but they are relevant. The short story is that I've had some really bad anxiety attacks this week due to stress from school. And I haven't been sleeping well at all over the last couple of weeks. I'll spare you unpleasant details, but I was getting really sick from all the anxiety. And that's highly unusual for me, even at my most stressed. So my doctor put me on some short-term medication to help me relax, sleep, and curb panic attacks. I know that once the next two weeks or so are over, my stress levels will quickly decrease. But it was quickly getting out of hand and having a horrible effect on me.
For a quick rundown of my final days of class, here is the schedule. Thesis due Monday, last paper of undergrad due Wednesday, final exam Thursday. Then the next week I have a final Monday, one Tuesday, and my last exam is Friday. Yup, the day before the graduation ceremony! I could opt to take it two days early, but I'm really going to need those two days to study for it. And I have several family members coming into town for the ceremony, so the first days after school ends will be busy. But at least I'll be able to relax a lot more!
I can't wait to get back to knitting. Earlier this afternoon I was taking a break from revising by looking up knitting patterns on Ravelry, and I felt inspired! At the moment I have a mental list of potential Christmas gifts to knit, and I'm ready to get started! With Netflix and knitting, I'll be set for relaxation! And I still really want to learn to crochet this summer.
Coconut Almond Brownies
14 hours ago
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